University of California Notice of Nondiscrimination
Across all of its locations, including clinical settings, 大学禁止歧视和骚扰, 包括性侵犯和其他形式的性骚扰. 加州大学旧金山分校医疗中心为所有患者提供平等的机会, applicants, employees, faculty members and students regardless of sex, gender identity or expression, 性取向或其他受法律保护的特征. 更多关于大学对诚信的承诺, 对我们社区的所有成员负责和尊重, please see the University's 道德价值观和道德行为标准声明.
How Patients Can Report Sexual Harassment
如果你遭受过性骚扰,请举报. 与加州大学旧金山分校防止骚扰和歧视办公室联系, please call (415) 502-3400. You may also download a harassment complaint form online and email, mail or hand-deliver it to the office.
加州大学旧金山分校防止骚扰和歧视办公室试图保护人们的隐私, 同时也履行其对收到的所有报告作出适当反应的义务. In some situations, 某些法律和大学政策可能要求向他人披露报告, such as other University officials, licensing boards, law enforcement or other agencies. If you are unsure whether you want to file a report, 我们建议您首先联系以下保密资源之一以获得建议和支持:
- UCSF CARE Advocate Office
Serves interpersonal violence survivors
Phone: (415) 502-8802 - Trauma Recovery Center/Rape Treatment Center
Serves adult survivors of trauma, violence and loss
Phone: (415) 437-3000 - San Francisco Women Against Rape
Serves sexual assault survivors of all genders
Phone: (415) 647-7243 (24-hour crisis line) - W.O.M.A.N., Inc.
Serves interpersonal violence survivors
Phone: (415) 864-4722 (24-hour crisis line) - Community United Against Violence
Serves LGBTQI people dealing with violence or abuse
Phone: (415) 333-4357 (voicemail)
大学根据其规定审查所有性骚扰报告 Sexual Violence and Sexual Harassment Policy and other applicable policies.
Other Ways to Report Sexual Misconduct
- UCSF Police Department
如果你想向外部机构投诉而不是, or in addition to, a complaint with the University, 你可以向以下任何一个机构提出民事权利投诉:
- Medical Board of California
这个网站允许你对任何加州有执照的十大赌博平台排行榜或助产士提出投诉. To file a complaint online, visit the Department of Consumer Affair's website. - California Department of Consumer Affairs
本网站允许您访问有关在加利福尼亚州获得执照的任何医疗专业人员的投诉网站. - U.S. 卫生与公众服务部民权办公室
民权办公室致力于确保受教育的平等机会,并在种族基础上彻底执行民权保护, color, national origin, sex, disability and age.
File a complaint online: Complaint portal
通过邮件提出投诉:在网站下载投诉表格 website and mail it to the following address.
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
200 Independence Ave., SW
Room 509F, HHH Building
Washington, DC 20201
投诉电话:(800)368-1019或(800)537-7697 (TDD) - 加州公共卫生部卫生保健质量中心(CHCQ)
加州公共卫生部的CHCQ许可和认证计划对获得许可和认证的卫生保健设施以及某些类型的卫生保健专业人员进行监管. 中心亦会调查消费者对其职权范围内的设施和专业人士的投诉.
File a complaint online: Cal Health Find database
通过邮件或电话投诉:在当地的办公室找到合适的 California Department of Public Health website - 加州公平就业和住房部(DFEH)
环境及卫生局会调查雇主未能遵守性骚扰预防培训及教育规定的情况, as well as incidents of discrimination in employment, business and other services.
File a complaint online: DFEH website
File a complaint by mail:
California Dept. of Fair Employment and Housing
2218 Kausen Dr., Suite 100
Elk Grove, CA 95758
File a complaint by phone: (800) 884-1684 (voice), (800) 700-2320 (TTY)或拨打加州中继服务711
How to Provide General Feedback
加州大学旧金山分校健康中心有兴趣了解您的整体病人护理经验. 提供关于您的访问或与加州大学旧金山分校健康服务提供者的经验的一般反馈, 或者沟通任何关于不专业行为的投诉, please contact Patient Relations.
How to Obtain Your Medical Records
您可以亲自、在线或通过邮件索取您的医疗记录副本. For detailed instructions, visit Medical Records.
我们提供免费的辅助工具和服务,帮助残疾人士有效地与我们沟通, 如合格的手语翻译和其他格式的书面信息(大字体), audio, accessible electronic formats and other formats). 我们也为母语不是英语的人提供免费的语言服务, 比如合格的口译员和用其他语言写的信息. If you need these services, visit Interpreting Services.
Reporting Obligations of UC Personnel
所有大学员工都有责任创建和维护安全, 支持和尊重的环境,我们的病人和同事期望和应得的. Additionally, under some circumstances, 根据大学政策,加州大学旧金山分校健康学院的教职员工必须立即向防止骚扰和歧视办公室报告可能发生的性骚扰. 即使那些不受授权的人也被敦促立即直接向办公室或匿名向合规热线报告有关可能的性骚扰的信息.
有关您作为UC社区成员报告性骚扰的责任的更多信息, see this FAQ about "responsible employees."